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Expressing the future Ne se vrt, kad na nj zapomene.ĭ si geamatiky se mnou? Vyjadovn budoucnosti By the time he returns everyone will have forgotten him.Running the BioDiversity Pro programme. Vyjadovn budoucnosti There wont be the time and money for travelling until the children have grown up andleft home.įuture perfect simple and continuous The film will have finished by ten. Expressing the future Na cestovn nebude as a penze, dokud cvicebice nevyrostou a neodejdou z domova. Vyjadovn budoucnosti The ferry leaves at midnight.
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Present simple for future events Are you free tomorrow evening? Expressing the future Trajekt odjd o plnoci. Expressing hopes for the future with hope and present tense I hope you like the film. Vyjadovn budoucnosti Ill go with you in case you need my help. Ptomn prost as pro vyjadovn udlost v budoucnosti. Vyjadovn budoucch nadj prostednictvm hope a ptomnho asu. Expressing the future Pjdu s tebou pro ppad, e bude potebovat mou pomoc. Theyll soon be preparing the shops for Christmas. Someone else will be playing the role of Ophelia this evening. Vyjadovn budoucnosti Well be looking forward to your next visit. Nebudu ho dnes potebovat.ĭnes veer bude hrt roli Oflie nkdo jin. Expressing the future Budeme se tit na tvou pt nvtvu. Theyll be eating at her parents onThursday evening. Would you like some too? Expressing the future Mon, e budeme muset hodiny ekat. Events in the immediate future with just going to Im just going to phone Alex. Vyjadovn budoucnosti The party wont be fun unless youre there. Potebuje s nm mluvit? Dal by sis tak? Budu za chvilku zptky. Udlosti v bezprostedn budoucnosti s just going to. Expressing the future Ten verek nebude zbavn, pokud tam nebude. Expressing the future Prosm vs, jestli budete moct, pijte na tu schzi. Vyjadovn budoucnosti Im sure theyll be able to help theyre going to be able to help you.ĭouble actions in the future with clauses of time and condition using when, whenever, if, while,before, until, unless and as soon as when Ill tell him when I see him. Dv udlosti v budoucnosti v asovch a podmnkovch vtch when, whenever, if, while,before, until, unless a as soon as. Expressing the future Jsem si jist, e budou schopni ti pomoct. Well have to leave Were going to have to leave at half past seven. Level C examples Future modals Well have to take Were going to have to take a taxi. Vyjadovn budoucnosti Where shall I put your keys? Present continuous for future events Im going home soon. Uijte will nebo going to a pslun modln slovesov opisnm tvaru.
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Use of shall for offering, suggesting and asking opinions91 Shall I call a taxi for you call you a taxi?Įxpressing the future Kam mm dt tv kle? Ptomn prbhov as pro vyjadovn udlost v budoucnosti. Future with will for predicting consequences and events61 We must go by bus or well be late. Vyjadovn budoucnosti59 This beer gramatkky excellent. Pouit shall pro nabdky, nvrhy a dotazy na nzory. Budouc as will pro pedpovdn nsledk a udlost. Expressing the future59 Tohle pivo je vynikajc. I think Ill go out and buy something to eat. Future with will for spontaneous decisions51 Abglicke late. New Years Resolutions31 Im going to be a better student.

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